In-Person Voting Starts Today – DA Race is a Key Focus to Restore Public Safety in LA County

Cece Woods

Voters can access in-person voting centers throughout LA County today through March 5th.

One of the most high-profile races is for District Attorney as many voters are focused on the best candidate to restore public safety in Los Angeles County.

District Attorney George Gascon sent out a campaign email yesterday quoting NPR reporting “Crime is down across the country – and it’s dropping fast.”

However, The Current Report reported last week the staggering crime statistics via the Los Angeles Police Department San Fernando Valley stations, are in-fact, just the opposite Gascon is pushing to supporters and the public.

Between last year and this year during the same time period in the San Fernando Valley per LAPD:

250% increase in homicides
133% increase in shooting victims

As a result of Gascon’s directives and the no cash bail, criminals have been allowed to commit crimes repeatedly with no consequences resulting in a catastrophic crime wave that has devastated the county – and now it’s showing in the polls and Gascon’s fundraising efforts.

The first independent poll to be released by USC/Dornife showed Gascon at 15% with a whopping 64% undecided, a good indicator that he will not receive their votes.

Gascon’s closest challenger is 17-year veteran, Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Hatami who has been on a three-year crusade to speak out and inform the citizens of the consequences of the dangerouse directives issued by his boss which data has proved to have a tremendous, negative impact on public safety in LA County.

At the first debate Gascon attended after annoouncin his bid for re-election, Hatami fired off alarming statistics under the DA’s watch:

Hate crimes up over 100 percent from 2019 to 2023
Jewish hate crimes up 27.6 percent this year
Restaurant burglaries up 103 percent from 2019 to 2023
Retail theft up 123 percent this year
Commercial burglaries up 29 percent this year
Commercial robberies up 19 percent this year
As of January 20th, according to the Los Angeles County Registrar’s Office candidates disclosures, Gascon is in last place with cash on hand among the candidates running for District Attorney.

Among the 10 candidates, Gascon has $21,753 cash-on hand going into the last few critical weeks before election day. Hatami, his closeest challenger has more than $379,000 cash on hand.

See Also

Additionally, Hatami has the most endorsements of all the candidates combined with a total of 20 police officer associations, 72 elected officials, 2 labor unions, 3 elected District Attorneys, 12 county mayors, and hundreds of victims and survivors.

In-person voting will be available starting today at 10 am.

Go to to find your closest vote center.

Vote by mail is also available. Fill out your ballot and (1) take it to the post office personally or (2) take it to one of your local vote centers. Voters can track thier ballot at

Voters have until March 5th to cast their ballot.

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