Hot Stars January Forecast by Astrologer Helen Kaye Watts

Editor in Chief Cece Woods considers herself the “accidental activist”.…
Ruler Mars finally breaks out of its retroactive cycle in your 3rd this month. It’s business as usual, Aries. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Know that person who is always talking a good game but never brings it? Don’t be them. You also have zero tolerance for anyone who doesn’t cut to the chase or back up words with action. Whether this is in your personal or professional life. If you’ve been sitting on an idea or plan since October last year, now is the time to initiate it. You’ve an open window of opportunity that takes you forward all the way to May. So, make the most of it. After that, you’ll reap actual, material rewards stemming directly from your actions or what you set in motion. Don’t just seize the day, Aries. Seize that new year energy and run with it!
Do you want more of the same or something new, Taurus? Honestly, the choice is yours. You are on the brink of a cycle of expansion which can open your eyes to fresh possibilities and see you surf that break all the way to ‘24. But the catch is you have to make the conscious choice to move out of that comfort zone to make the most of it. If things don’t change they cannot improve. And do let go of any fixed ideas you have around what love or other opportunities may look like. Because like angels, blessings can arrive in disguise. Does what’s on offer resonate with your freshly minted value system and need to embrace something (or someone) more heart-starting? Then ignore the outer packaging. If you feel you missed out or made the wrong choice the first time around, then the end of January could just re-deliver for you. This time don’t hesitate with that ‘Yes’.
Mars heads direct in your sign this month (12th) while ruler Mercury also ends its retrograde in your change sector on the 18th. If you know about retroshadows then you’ll plan for possible reversals or stalls up until next month. But we now enter a long period where all the major planets are direct in the sky. Watch for the unexpected around the 8th and again on the 30th. Remain flexible on these dates if things don’t go exactly as planned. It could be the universe has a bigger one in mind for you. Anything that has kept you stuck or which no longer serves your growth is likely to be released this month. Possibly without you having to do anything to bring this about. Do remain philosophical if this occurs and again, look beyond the obvious. From the 3rd to the 26th you’re in a playful, optimistic and expansive mood. Don’t waste that energy on what no longer works.
The full Moon in your sign on the 6th shines on a home truth for you. This could well revolve around a partnership or close personal connection. Please don’t resort to avoidance tactics when it comes to any relationship issues. You also need to check and recheck every piece of information or ask questions until you are totally satisfied with the answer. Especially if that all-reliable gut of yours is telling you something is off. Just keep in mind that the bigger picture may not come into focus until the end of the month. So keep digging – and asking, until then if need be. By that time, you’ll know exactly what you need to do from that point onwards. You are now approaching Pluto’s endgame in your 7th of marriage, long term lovers, partnerships and close friendships. Look at what has shifted for you since 2008. This month marks the finishing touches you still need to make. Allow love to continue to transform you. One way or another by facing its reality, Cancer.
January kick-starts your yearly partnership peak from the 3rd when Venus arrives in your horse-and-carriage sector. A powerful new SuperMoon in here on the 21st ushers in not only the Chinese New Year of the Water Rabbit, but a new phase of loving, being two or relating. This isn’t just for this month but for the long term. So think carefully about what or who completes you – or has the potential to, Leo. You’re also being asked not to compromise over something for once. There’s a need to draw a line over a choice or decision you know you need to make for the sake of your own self-worth or wellbeing. You also need to know that you don’t owe anyone a lengthy explanation for your decision. Just own it provided it feels right for you. Partnerships going forward should be free of control issues or the need to apologize or over-explain. From the 27th, simply stick to your guns. You and only you, know what’s right.
That extra retrograde weather ends this month with ruler Mercury direct in your 5th from the 18th and Mars direct in your career zone from the 12th. Retro-pro that you are, you know you have three weeks of retro-shade left. So, plan for the odd snafu or three. If love has been on hold, you’ll get a green light to pursue it again from the 27th. Up until then, keep your focus firmly fixed on that day job, your habits, routine and wellness. What can you improve or upgrade? This is about more than just new years resolutions you’ve ditched by February. So, hold off on that impulse to splurge on that gym membership for now. The 21st however sees any changes you make stick. And offers up the best time of the month to get that resume out there if a change of job is high on that to do list. Travel plans can still go awry so if going anyway, do pack a Plan B. And take note of the weather at your destination. Other than that, it’s time to initiate, Virgo. Seting those changes in motion should be your #1 resolve.
Lock in that love or know what you are seeking in any long term duet, double act or dynamic or dramatic duo (less of the drama, hopefully). Heavenly body Juno – the asteroid which rules marriage, commitments and long term promises of all descriptions, joins Jupiter in your partnership sector this month. Along with Ceres in your sign and an end to the heavy retrograde weather we’ve all endured since last October, this puts romance, fun and doubling up back on the menu for you. Right from the very start of January when your ruler Venus sashays into your romance zone on the 3rd. Welcome back in fun, pleasure, attraction and a chance to shine. You might want to look and also feel your best. Someone somewhere is captured by that vibe you radiate. Be it for personal or business reasons, you make exactly the right impression just by being you. Keeping Up with Libra. You’re the star of our own reality show this month.
The old rulerships in astrology still apply. So when an ancient ruling planet is retrograde it is a very big deal. Chances are things may not have been easy for you since October when co-ruler Mars went retroactive. Insecurities may have surfaced. As could the agendas of manipulative people. You can kiss all that goodbye from the 12th when Mars moves forward again. Throw in Mercury direct in its ruling 3rd from the 18th and Uranus in your partnership zone from the 22nd, and if any action needs to be taken or something needs to be said, you’re locked and loaded. Second time around somethings can also appear. Or what was delayed or stalled moves forward again. Do watch the 8th and the 30th for unexpected revivals and returns. From the 27th onwards the energy lightens up. No more oh-so-serious. You shrug off the shadows of last year like so many unnecessary layers of unflattering clothing. Time to reboot those dreams. And put yourself back out there again.
Finally, it’s happening to you. The end of Mars retrograde in your 7th. Snarky, snarky love snafus can be put in the past along with ‘22. This month sees Juno, heavenly object of lasting love, join ruler Jupiter in your house of romance and making whoopee. Time to pursue love or just what makes you happy, stand out from the crowd and shine. That creative project, big travel plan or dream. The day to make that commitment which will ensure you see it through is the 21st when the new SuperMoon in your 3rd (and the start of the Chinese New Year of the Water Rabbit), infuses that goal or desire with fresh intention. Take that first step towards it and watch how the universe places the right people, solutions or opportunities on your path like magic. Mercury also ends its retrograde in your money zone. But do continue to keep a tight grip on those purse strings until mid-February if you can. You have bigger things to invest in now. Like those plans to live the live you love, Sag.
This month’s full Moon on the 6th hands you a mirror, mirror moment. Even if you didn’t ask the question, someone holds up a magic mirror which allows you to see exactly how they see you. Do you like the reflection? Bear in mind, this is not who you are, but how you are being perceived. You can adjust that image any way you like in cosmic Photoshop simply by changing how you see yourself. It’s the ultimate Facetune app that’s free to download from the universe. You’ve time for adjustment or to experiment this January with the 21st – 22nd offering your best portal for a relaunch or extreme makeover if needed. This month puts an end to the heavy retro weather with Mars and then Mercury direct. Don’t see the end of your birthday cycle (20th) as a return to the mundane. The Sun and new SuperMoon in your 2nd are about to reboot your ability to attract and accept more. As well as boosting your self-worth. You don’t need a slogan as you are not a product. But yes, you are worth it, Capricorn. So work it.
Happy birthday! Something is calling on you to release it, Aquarius. What is it which restricts you, holds you back or has simply gone way past its Use By date? Only you know but the need to let go surfaces with the full Moon on the 6th. Venus kick starts your new cycle early from the 3rd. Expect an uptick with those expectations and a fresh focus on the wonderful world of you. Updating your image is a good place to start. However, if something needs to end, do face this with grace before the 22nd. And don’t make excuses as to why it’s not to the right time to deal with it. The arrival of the Sun on the 20th and a new SuperMoon in your sign on the 21st (Chinese New Year of the Water Rabbit), means you need to be moving forward free of anything that binds you. Especially if it’s not been working for sometime. This is the start of the Now Age of Aquarius which really kickstarts in March. Call this your preview. And that includes allowing the world to preview the new you.
If anyone has been taking advantage of your compassion, empathy and caring, that ends this January. You see things very much how they are. And not how others want you to see them. Throwing away your heart on those who don’t deserve it is a thing of the past. Or should be, Pisces. Make this the one New Year’s resolution you stick to. You’re on the cusp of a new era of self-determination and authority. And along with this comes the ability to stand up and let others know just what is and isn’t acceptable. They either love you all the more for this, or you move on knowing they would never live up to all the potential you saw in them anyway. Rose tinted glasses off. By the time Venus arrives in your sign at the end of the month you feel infused with fresh certainty and confidence. Do raise those standards in line with this, Pisces. Don’t be afraid to ask directly for what it is you want. And know if the answer is no, it was never going to be yes anyway.
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Featured image by Farzad Mohsenvand