Manifest Your Best Life with Celebrity Mindset Coach Laura St. John

Editor in Chief Cece Woods considers herself the “accidental activist”.…
Malibu based Celebrity mindset coach Laura St John shares with us some her life-changing tips on how to manifest your goals and dreams and build a strong, confident future. Laura has appeared on Netflix (Selling Sunsets) has been featured on NBC, Shape magazine, NBC, Women’s Health, Fox News and ABC News.
How different would your life become if you could take any size struggle and “flip it” into the strength required to propel you into your wildest dreams? I am about to show you brand new ways to flip yourself out of the energy of the problem, and into the energy of solution. You have the power to make things happen faster than you ever imagined. Let’s go! – Laura St John
What is a Mindset Coach?
I help you shift your mindset to get unstuck and manifest the life you’ve always dreamed of. I don’t dive into all the problems that have led you to this point; I focus on what you want to create now going forward. I fully believe you are exactly where you are meant to be in this moment, and that if you trust yourself and trust the process you can create a new outcome.
Please describe the importance of manifesting and its process.
Manifesting is your natural ability to create. It’s about how you harness your mental and emotional strength so you stop giving your power away to the things that are bothering you, and you learn to redirect it toward the outcome you truly desire. When you learn to align thoughts, feelings and actions with a positive intent, you can create powerful new results – quickly!
What’s the biggest mistake people make when they try to manifest?
The biggest mistake people make is when they feel terrible and go right into massive action. If you are feeling frustrated, any actions you take are going to keep bringing you back to situations that amplify that frustration. This is why people feel like they are stuck. They go out and change everything and it isn’t long before the new job or the new relationship is making them feel exactly like the old situation. I help people break these patterns so they can truly have a fresh start and create something new. It is all about shifting their mindset so much more than it is about changing the people or the external situations around them.
Describe “flipping reality” for our readers and what does it mean?
For every negative, there is a positive side of things that is exponentially more powerful. For example you can flip self doubt to trust, lack to abundance, fear to love. I help people flip their problems so they can create from a positive energy and stop handing the keys to their power over to their challenges.
How did you get into mindset coaching?
I’ve always been someone who has a really strong capacity to tap into my own imagination to create what’s possible. I was born and raised in NJ by parents who fostered creative thinking and problem solving. When I was 6 years old, I saw my mom overcome cancer and I intuitively was taught steps to hold a positive outcome despite the odds. I’ve done a lot of things careerwise, from scaling an education business for kids to owning gyms, but what I learned by working with all kinds of people – from elite athletes or celebrities to teens or struggling moms – is that my gift is how to remove the fear and self doubts keeping people stuck. Success is a lot closer than most people think.
Is a big vision ever “too big”? Would you recommend starting smaller?
When people are stuck inside the magnitude of a big problem, it’s important to show them steps to think bigger so they can see how they can rise over it and past it. Visions should be big but the steps you take should be small. I like to help people create a bigger vision and then work on creating the version of themselves who can step into that vision right now. You don’t have to take big steps to make big change!
What are some of your success stories?
I had so much fun being featured as a mindset coach on Selling Sunset on Netflix because I reached a global audience overnight, and got to work hands on with the celebrities on and off the show. I also got selected this year to coach a team at Google and it’s incredible helping executives step into their best selves. I love working with all ages and I coach teen athletes as far as the Australian National Team. Actually, my very first mindset client was my own niece, Livvy Dunne, who started working with me when she was 12 to create a “bigger than Olympic” dream. She’s now the #1 paid NCAA female athlete in the US. The ultimate driver for me is the everyday success stories I get to wake up to in the daily messages I get from complete strangers who are using my mindset tools to manifest amazing shifts in their lives!
How do your clients describe you and your coaching style?
I am known for the everyday practical style that is relatable to the masses. I can understand complex information and boil it down into ways that’s understandable and immediately applicable. I also don’t think you need hours of your day. People love my tools because you weave them into your everyday life life in small doses that take anywhere from 2 seconds to 2 minutes. I believe manifesting is not for a select few. It is for everyone.
Why do you think some people give up so quickly?
I think what makes people quit is that things don’t always unfold exactly as they plan, and they throw in the towel the moment there is an unexpected roadblock. The roadblock reinforces their self doubts or beliefs that they are not good enough. You can learn the steps to take a step back, think bigger, turn up belief in yourself, and allow things to fall into place in ways even better than expected.
Do you have any tips on making a vision board?
It’s important that your vision board is not a visual reminder of everything you’re not! Sometimes people pin up a picture but only feel the lack between where they are now and where they wish to be, and it spins them into thinking “but how” is this going to happen? As you pin up a picture, identify the feeling you want to feel. For example when I manifested our Malibu home with our ocean view, I pinned the photo with the feeling of “calm” and “peaceful” alongside it. The feeling always comes first.
Any guidance for overthinkers?
Most people misinterpret overthinking as wrong. Release the judgment! Overthinking is keeping you stuck only if you are overthinking your problems. When you learn to use that same brilliant skillset to overthink your dreams, you can redirect that big brain into the positive!
What are some initial steps someone can take to get unstuck?
Lighten up on yourself. One of the problems I see a lot is that people are really hard on themselves. They are stuck in a pattern of negative self-talk and they often don’t see how things can get better. It’s a hopeless feeling. I help people take control, sometimes by dropping the excuses, and other times that is through self care. No matter which of the lessons I use, the path to feeling unstuck is getting control back in your life. That’s actually what manifesting is all about. It is teaching people they are in the driver’s seat to create their next chapter.
Anything you would like to say to skeptics?
I would say your life will continue to turn out exactly as you expect. If you learn to shift your expectations of yourself and your results you can shift your life in a completely different trajectory. Usually naysayers are people feeling really stuck or who had a really tough life handed to them. They are often feeling powerless. I am not here to diminish what they have gone through or what struggles they are currently facing. I am here to show them the way out of it.
How can people take your in-person and/or online classes?
People gather from all over the world to take my self-paced digital courses and private coaching groups that I run throughout the year. For local classes in Malibu or more information on my coaching, please reach out at