
Editor in Chief Cece Woods considers herself the “accidental activist”.…
Malibu locals Jobi Manson, interviews a passionate surfer/traveler/journalist Daniela Hernandez Pedraza of

Name: Daniela Hernandez Pedraza // @surfistastravelogue
JM: What quote defines your current state of consciousness
DHP: “A Woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself ” ― Maya Angelou
JM: Where is your next surfistas adventure
DHP: I am moving to Topanga on June 1st, that’s my next adventure.
JM: Now playing
DHP: Binaural beats concentration music while I design Surfistas book II.
JM: Your favorite thing to travel with
DHP: My e-book reader, my camera, my notebooks and one oversize bottom down shirt are always in my bag.
JM: Current creative practice
DHP: Walk on the beach or hike.
JM: Inspired by in this moment
DHP: Rebellious individuals working on themselves.
JM: Why
DHP: I think the only way to shift human consciousness is to take responsibility for the individual energy we put out everyday. If we get too upset about what is going on in the world right now, we forget that individually we have the power to affect the planet everyday just by meditating, loving peace, having an open heart and letting ourselves be seen.
JM: Advice you give most often
DHP: Love yourself. Accept and be in the present moment, plant the seeds of what you want for the future, water them everyday and be patient, trees take time to grow.
JM: Spirit animal:
DHP: Horse.
JM: Currently riding
DHP: 6 8’ single fin furrow custom made by Christine Brailsford.